Wednesday, November 9, 2011

14 Weeks

This week is brought to you by bursts of energy, a sweet tooth, and longer, stronger finger nails. 

Weeks Pregnant: 14 weeks 5 days (I know, I know, I'm very behind on my postings!) At our doctor's appointment on Monday the doctor set back our due date from May 1st to May 4th. She said since the ultrasound tech guesstimated the due date during the the same week as my EDD of May 1st, we will just keep it at May 1st.
Weight: 155.4 pounds 
Total Weight Gain: up 2 pounds from last week, but still down from my starting weight at 158.
Waist: (at the belly button) 38.5 (up 5 inches so far, yikes that's so exciting!)
Bust: 39.5 (up 4 inches so far, I thought these weren't supposed to change until the milk came!!)
Butt/Hip: 45 (up 1.5 inches)
Average number of times up to pee per night: 2, but average times during the day is about every 20 minutes!!!
Size of the baby bean: about 4 inches, the size of an apple.
Weight: 2 oz
What baby has been up to: Baby's ears have moved from his/her neck to the side of the head. Baby's taste buds are now present so baby can taste my food!!! I'm sure baby really enjoyed the Indian Fry Bread I had at the State Fair this weekend. hehe
Other pregnancy related stuff
Emotional: This week I have felt my best! I joke that I have a new lease on life. I've been in such a happy mood and feeling really excited about being in the 2nd trimester. I did have a few incidences where I teared up thinking/talking about baby, just being sentimental I think. For the most part I'm just super happy and enjoying the pregnancy. 
Physical: NO MORE NAUSEA!!!! Yippie!!! I have the burst of energy everyone is talking about!! I have to remind myself to rest after work because my body doesn't feel tired, but I know not to over do it. The past few weeks I've been going to work earlier and keeping busy after work and not rushing home to nap. The only problem is my body isn't telling me to take a break so by the time my head hits the bed around 9:30, I'm beat. I'm getting more uncomfortable while I sleep, I find myself tossing and turning several times throughout the night and don't get more than a straight hour without having to reposition. I'll take any tips on how to get comfortable rest. I have a giant body pillow and that seems to help. A pregnancy perk, y hair and nails have REALLY grown thanks to the prenatal vitamins!! I am loving these little perks as well as the so called "pregnancy glow" my skin has. 
What I want to devour: Anything sweet!! Oh, and guess what!? I actually ate chicken four times this week!!! It no longer makes me gag, as long as I didn't cook it or see it raw I'm not grossed out by it. I also really like cheese and grapes this week. 
What makes me gag: Surprisingly, nothing. Smells still gross me out, but not any foods in particular. 
Activity: Thanks to my sudden burst of energy, I've been able to take Bear on a nice long walk every day after work & I even went on 2 bike rides this past week with Jeff!! 
Boy? or Girl?: Our ultrasound is scheduled for Friday, December 2nd, but we have a really unique and fun way that we are going to find out. We'll tell you more about that later... We won't officially know until Christmas, but I am starting to think it's possible baby might be a girl. I have my sweet tooth back and baby's heart beat was 167 during our first ultrasound and 158 at this week's appointment... There's only a few weeks left until we know for sure! :) 
Names: Before we even got engaged we had our names picked out. We have several we both like and agree on, but we definitely KNOW the first boy and girl name we want to use. However, we aren't going to share it with you just yet... Once we know the sex of the baby we will announce the name. You only have to wait until December. :) We've known people to keep it a secret until the baby arrives, but we want to be able to refer to the baby by name & specialize the nursery, baby blankets, and such with his or her name. 

Daddy's Thoughts:  Ode to joy in response to the sudden energy and happiness that my wife has found once again... It's even more fun to get to be our silly fun selves again during this time.  Not that it has been a drag at all, but being able to be funny and funky again is, well, fun and funky.  And familiar.

I've got to say (famous last words) that this has not been so horrific of an experience as pregnancy movies would lead me to believe.  I mean, nothing has gone flying through the air, the room hasn't grown menacingly dark, my wife hasn't sprouted horns, I haven't had to run out in the middle of the night searching for watermelon ice cream and Ramen noodles, and I can only count one major freakout we had to manage (which coincided with the only bout morning sickness).  Gotta hand it to my cute wife, she's doing fantastic at handling everything and not getting panicked, which is saying something considering the strangeness that comes along with the first 14 weeks and 5 days.  But we're moving right along, and I'm lately just really enjoying all the changes and upgrades we get to make at this point.  Here's to the future!

Practicing holding the baby! 
Baby's first onesie, of course Jeff is a fan of it! 

Taken at work a few days ago. 

Belly bump close up! 

FINALLY got our ultrasound CD to work, I can't save the images or videos to my computer, so these were taken with my iPhone of my computer screen. Look at those long legs!!!

When I asked my mom's 2 year old godson Robert what my baby was doing in my belly he responded "praying, for God" This ultrasound picture shows that Robert's theory might be right on. This picture is taken from above the baby's head and shows the baby is holding his/her hands together in front of his/her body! SOOOO cute! 

Thanks to my prenatal vitamins, my nails and hair have REALLY grown! 

See, longer hair!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you guys, and love that you started this blog ... now i can keep up to date!!!

