Sunday, November 27, 2011

16 weeks

This week is brought to you by water cravings, baby flutters, and a prolonged stuffy nose & sore throat.

Weeks Pregnant: 16 weeks 3 days
Weight: Total Weight Gain: 153.5, I am still down from my original starting weight of 158.
Waist: (at the belly button) 38", up 4.5 inches
Bust: 39.5", up 5 inches
Butt/Hip: 44"
Average number of times up to pee per night: 2 times per night but that's only out of sheer lazyiness. I could probably go more often if I didn't force myself to hold it until morning so I could get just a few more hours of sleep.
Size of the baby bean: 5 inches, the size of a turnip!
Weight: 4 oz
What baby has been up to: Baby's reflexive movements are increasingly developed and the baby caan now grasp things with its hands. A funny fact, baby adds to the amniotic fluid by peeing about every 40-45 minutes, about the same time I am rushing to the bathroom. :) Baby might also be able to start to hear sounds at this stage. My books say that if I sing a song now in the shower each morning, it is likely that the baby will recognize the song after he/she is born. So cute!!
Other pregnancy related stuff
Emotional: This week has been a little more rough for me. I am SUPER sensitive! The lady that I work with made me cry at work! I cried watching a TV show about birth, I cried when I heard a sweet song on the radio. Bascially I cry really easily and get offended really easily. Be warned. ;-) Poor Jeff has had to watch what he says so as not to make me cry over something silly. On the bright, I have been feeling little baby "flutters" and those completely melt my heart!! I have dreams almost every night where I am holding the baby and kissing it. I know it sounds silly, but I get a little bit of jealousy when Jeff kisses my tummy because I so wish I could kiss the baby. I know that's just really odd.
What I want to devour: Chicken and Grapes! YUMMY! I want chicken at least once a day and grapes all the time! I also really really crazy COLD freezing cold water. Oh, and diet coke! I am so over Sprite and Lemonade at restaurants or in public. No places have caffeine free diet coke. I'm not a fan of Rootbeer either so I'm basically stuck with water most of the time.
What makes me gag: Nothing!!! Thankfully, nothing in particular makes me want to gag.
Activity: Although I have energy, I have taken several naps this past week! As for activity, I'm still taking Bear on his weekly walks and enjoying walking around the school campus that I work at. I try to park far away from places so I have longer to walk. I am planning to try to ride my bike some more this week with Jeff at night when he's off work.
Boy? or Girl?: Last night I had a dream that baby was a boy. I have all kinds of strange dreams but in this dream baby was a normal healthy baby boy & I just couldn't get enough kisses. I just kept holding him and kissing his sweet little face. Ironically, this morning Jeff said he too had a dream that baby was a boy. Only a few weeks left until we know for sure!!
Names: Before we even got engaged we had our names picked out. We have several we both like and agree on, but we definitely KNOW the first boy and girl name we want to use. However, we aren't going to share it with you just yet... Once we know the sex of the baby we will announce the name. You only have to wait until December. :) We've known people to keep it a secret until the baby arrives, but we want to be able to refer to the baby by name & specialize the nursery, baby blankets, and such with his or her name.

Daddy's Thoughts:
Boy?....  Girl?....  Not sure, but I did have a dream that I was hanging out with a son...  I think about it a LOT.  Sometimes I think about the moment when we will actually find out, and wonder how I'm going to react.  I just REALLY want to know!  I'm very patient by nature, but I catch myself sometimes checking the calendar, or just gaging the amount of time left until we find out.

Who knows at this point, but I'm really excited...

I'm also really excited that Brianna and I are going to Missouri to see my extended family this Christmas.  It's meaningful in a couple different ways:  First, my mother's side of the family hasn't had the opportunity to meet Brianna yet, and secondly, I want them to meet her before Baby is here, so they both get their own individual introductions.  I think Brianna is going to look really cute all bundled up in winter clothes and pregnant.  Is that weird or endearing?  :)  I've seen her wearing the big sweaters and scarves in the snow, and she just looks so adorable, I just imagine adding a baby belly to the mix, and I like it...

Truth be told, I'm getting a little overwhelmed with all the logistical and financial stuff we have to make decisions on right now.  We've got to work out our insurance plans now that we're married, AND having a baby, plus we have to move into a new place, which means FINDING a new place.  I've been on the phone, emailing, and searching all over the internet for the right place for us.  We've looked at a few places that came close, but still haven't really felt confident about any of them yet.  I know we'll end up in a great home, and that once we get everything situated and decorated, it's really going to feel like home.  Until then, we're keeping our search up for a place that meets all the things on our 'wish list'.

For now, our wish is still just to have things continue to go as well as they have been, and we definitely appreciate all prayers for that!

New darker hair, it feels so good to have pretty hair again!

Jeff decorating our very first Christmas Tree together! 

Dressed up for a Date Night, standing in front of my mom's tree.

Standing in front of my mom's tree. Notice the cute red tricycle she bought for the baby. Yes, we know baby can't use it for a few years but mom couldn't help herself.

Watching TV and feeling little baby kicks...

Check out that belly!!! 

Thanksgiving baby bump standing in front of our tree! 

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