Thursday, October 20, 2011

12 Weeks

This week is brought to you by ultrasounds, lots of water, and milk. 

Weeks Pregnant: 12 weeks
Weight: 153
Total Weight Gain: Still down 5 pounds. But now that I'm in the second trimester I'm guessing I'll start gaining a little weight here and there. 
Waist: (at the belly button) 36.5"
Bust: 39"
Butt/Hip: 44.5"
Average number of times up to pee per night: 2-3 times up per night. My bathroom visits during the day have increased a LOT as well! 
Size of the baby bean: almost 3 inches, the size of a peach (baby has more than doubled in size in the past 3 weeks)
Weight: 0.49 oz
What baby has been up to: Baby is officially in the second trimester!!! After seeing the ultrasound today I know that our baby is a squirmy little worm. He/She went from rolling around, to stretching out, to dancing. All of baby's systems are fully formed so baby is now in the maintenance phase, just maturing the organs and getting them working for the next 28 weeks. According to today's ultrasound, baby had a full bladder which is a good sign as it means that baby's liver is functioning properly! Baby's pituitary gland is producing hormones and baby's bone marrow is now making white blood cells! 
Other pregnancy related stuff
Emotional: This week has been a weird one for me. I've felt a weird mixture emotions from pure joy that I'm pregnant to disbelief that I am actually growing a little person inside me! I did have a few moments of just crying without warning, but overall this week has been pretty good! 
Physical: I've learned... Never trust a burp! Yuck! This week has been my hardest with nausea so far! While driving to Tucson for a wedding last Saturday I thew up... ALL OVER MYSELF with out warning!! What I thought was a burp turned out to be quite a disgusting surprise! After that I just started crying! Poor Jeff! All of my books say that after week 12 you get this sudden burst of energy and start feeling more like yourself! I am sooo looking forward to that. I've become a HUGE fan of long naps! Almost everyday this week I've had a nice long nap after work. (I slept for 4 hours after work on tuesday). It's amazing what a nap can do! 
What I want to devour: Lots of things! I've really wanted salads, milk, and cookies! The other night I had Jeff run to the grocery store to grab me chocolate chip cookie dough. Three cookies and a HUGE glass of milk later and I was a very happy camper! 
What makes me gag: Chicken, still chicken. And smells! Yuck! Oh, and q-tips... whenever I use a q-tip after my shower I gag. It's very strange! 
Activity: This past week I really made an effort to walk Bear after work each day and I have to say that he has been a MUCH happier puppy because of it. Next week I am going to try to add in some other exercise like possibly swimming? 
Boy? or Girl?: We're still not sure for certain, but I'm still thinking boy. Today's ultrasound said baby's heartbeat is now 167 bpm and that fast heartbeat partnered with my recent cravings for sweets makes me start to think maybe we have a little girl growing in there. 
Twins?: Its official, there is just one baby in there for sure! Today's ultrasound proved that I am growing one healthy little baby. Our fingers are crossed for twins next time. :) 
Names: Before we even got engaged we had our names picked out. We have several we both like and agree on, but we definitely KNOW the first boy and girl name we want to use. However, we aren't going to share it with you just yet... Once we know the sex of the baby we will announce the name. You only have to wait until December. :) We've known people to keep it a secret until the baby arrives, but we want to be able to refer to the baby by name & specialize the nursery, baby blankets, and such with his or her name. 

Daddy's Thoughts:  Everyone knows this is MY baby, too, right? ....Okay, just checking.  :)
Today's ultrasound was ultrasweet.  Baby is a total squirmer, and it was so cool to see the arms and legs already so defined and developed.  It really felt like we were watching a little person, not just an object or condition, you know?  So cool.  I'm really glad we got to do the ultrasound at the time that we did, because it coordinated perfectly with our timetable of being able to make a public announcement about our pregnancy.  We were able to simultaneously upload a picture of baby and an announcement on Facebook with our phones, over lunch right after the ultrasound, and it made for such a cool way to tell everyone.

Next step is just to continue with the Dr visits, and in December we'll get to find out if it's a boy or girl, but for now we know that baby already looks like a healthy little person, and that's enough for me today!


Baby's sweet little profile! Look at those little lips & nose! So cute!

Close up of that sweet nose! Measuring the skin on the back of baby's neck for down's syndrome and the tech says it looks great! Baby looks very healthy! 

This picture cracks me up. Baby was such a wiggle worm & at one point just stretched out completely, with his/her hands behind his/her head and legs completely straight. Looks like baby is on a hammock.

Another one that cracks me up. Caught baby mid turn and you can see the back of baby's head and back here. When he/she turned the ultrasound tech goes "look at those ears! so cute!" I giggled. Baby's got cute ears!

Aww... sweet little baby feet with the big toes overlapping. The ultrasound tech said baby's feet were measuring at a third of an inch! 

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