Thursday, October 6, 2011

Photos of the growing baby bump!

I'm currently 9 weeks 6 days preggo. Baby is now officially a fetus and the size of a green olive! Since last week baby has gotten rid of his/her tail & has fingers, toes, arms, legs, wrists, ankles, eyes, ears, and a heart!

Our next appointment is Monday October 10th. We are so excited to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time!! Just thinking about it makes me tear up with joy & anticipation.

(Because Vanessa keeps asking for pictures) Here are a few pictures of my baby bump growing from weeks 6-9.
Week 6... taken right after our doctor's appointment.

I was laying on the couch watching TV and thought my tummy looked bigger so I tried to take these pictures of it....

 Bear decided he wanted in on the action. He loves posing for pictures and he seems to think my tummy is just a big comfy place to lay.

 Monday Night Football... wearing the shirt Jeff has custom made for me.
Week 8... looking bigger as the weeks go on...
Week 9 Day 5... This picture was taken yesterday morning. 

I promise to be better about posting on here each week... I have just been soooo tired and lazy the past few weeks. :) 


  1. So glad to see an update! I've been thinking about you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i've been waiting for an update on that bump! you're such a cute lil mama to be!
