Sometimes I catch myself saying something and think to myself "Did I really just say that?" Here are a few of my recent Mom-isms.
"No Jude, don't throw that, we only throw balls in the house"
"Sit down while you eat that, if you stand & eat you'll get a tummy ache"
"Stop playing with your snack. If you don't eat it, Mommy will"
"You're squishing him. He's a baby, you can't sit on him"
"Please, just one hug"
"No thank you, I'm full" (while trying to feed me a goldfish cracker he just took out of his mouth)
"No rocks in the tubby. Rocks don't like water"
"Ooooh, wow! Big Big Truck" (Pointing to a semi while driving & then realizing I was alone in my car)
"Stop playing with that, your penis is not a toy"
I had no idea you were blogging but I am so glad you are!!! Always loved your writing :)