Monday, November 19, 2012

Big Brother!!!!

We are so excited to announce that Jude is going to be a BIG BROTHER!! 

I am 12 weeks, 3 days preggo with lil "peanut" and anxiously waiting to find out if Jude is going to have a baby Brother or Sister. Although this lil one was quite the surprise (they will be just UNDER 13 months apart, Irish twins?!?) we couldn't be more excited to expand our family! 

(I felt the need to put this on here because this time around everyone's first question is "were you trying" or "are you crazy" or "wow, you're gonna have your hands full" or "it's going to be so hard". With Jude we never got these types of statements, it kinda hurts my feelings. So yes, we always talked about expanding our family. We want 4 or 5 kiddos. We were not trying to get pregnant, but we weren't trying NOT to. Our belief is that God will provide us with beautiful babies to care for and raise and we will gladly and thankfully welcome them when he decides.) 

Weeks Pregnant: 12 weeks, 3 days
Weight: 176 (still have baby weight left over from Jude that just wants to stay)Total Weight Gain: none so far
Waist: Bust: Butt/Hips: Average number of times up to pee per night: only a few
Size of the baby bean: 2.4 inches (size of a peach)Weight: 0.49 oz (teeny tiny lil peanut)What baby has been up to:  Lil peanut has changed since our 8 week ultrasound. At first the baby looked like a peanut (hence the nickname) and now he/she is starting to look more like a lil baby. Peanut's heart rate was at a speedy 168 and during the ultrasound we got to see the little arms, legs, fingers, toes, heart, brain, and even a glimpse of a lil tail numb (that should be gone by the end of the week).
Other pregnancy related stuff
Emotional: I find myself comparing this pregnancy to my first &although I have been WAY more nauseous, I'm not nearly as emotional. Sure, I cry easier during commercials  but ever since having Jude my hormones haven't been the same. It's like giving birth just turned up the volume. I cry easier and laugh harder. 
Physical: Just these past few days I've started to feel a little better. I was SOOOO sooo SOO sick the past 6 weeks. WAY more sick than I was with Jude. I've completely lost my appetite & all I really want to do is nap. I'm more tired this time around, but it could have something to do with the fact that I'm caring for a baby this time around. When I was pregnant with Jude I would nap when I got home from work (sometimes until dinner time) and I would sleep in super late on my days off. This time around I find myself going to bed at 8:30 or 9 each night, I tuck Jude into bed & then I tuck myself in. I'm up early with Jude and don't have time for a nap after work so early bedtime it is. 
What I want to devour: Hmm... not much. My appetite is very small. I find very few food items appealing. Nothing really "sounds good" to me. I've been mostly eating cereal and carbs. I'm a carbaterian. 
What makes me gag: Changing poopy diapers, stinky feet, seafood, sausage (which is weird because I craved that with Jude), and bed time. I get super nauseous around bed time. 
Activity: Hmm... does carrying around an almost 20 pound baby count? 

Gender: I'm thinking girl. I've thought girl since the beginning. I have to admit I was a little caught off guard when at our 12 week ultrasound the tech said "its too early to tell because at this stage everything is all swollen.... but that looks like a boy to me!" Would it make me a bad person if I said I was a little bummed? I would LOVE to have another son. I love being a momma to a little boy. It's honestly the best, but my selfish side is hoping for a girl this time around. Everyone always comments how Jude is Jeff's mini-me and I can't help it if I feel a little jealous. I want a mini-me & a little girl to dress up in all those cute little clothes that take up 90% of the children's clothing section. 
Names: Ugh.... this is a hard one. With Jude it was so simple. We both loved the name right away and didn't even consider looking at other names. We also had a girl name picked out and both loved it. Now that I'm pregnant again I am sort of second guessing the girl name we agreed on. I'm worried it's too "different" plus I don't like the possible nickname people would come up with for that name. I have several girl names I love, but Jeff hates. And there are several Jeff loves... but I HATE. So here we are, stumped. I want something beautiful, but unique. But not tooo unique or weird. I want it to be a pretty name and easy to pronounce. Working at an all girl school has made it even harder because a certain student can just "ruin" a name for me. It's a pretty name but a nice so nice person and I don't want to name my daughter after that. 
As for a boy name, we have 3 that we both LOVE, one is my absolute favorite and I'm pretty sure that will be peanut's name if peanut is in fact a boy. Stay tuned....
Belly Pic:

The first time I saw this baby on the ultrasound I thought he/she looked like a peanut. Hence the nickname "peanut" 8 weeks old little bebe

Little Peanut at 8 weeks. That's the heartbeat

Jude's profile on the top & peanut's on the bottom

Peanut at 12 weeks heartbeat

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