Monday, November 21, 2011

Baby Kicks... A video and story

Check out this sweet little video clip from our ultrasound CD of the baby stretching out his/her legs. So stinkin' cute!

If you look at where the little white arrow is pointing you can see the baby stretching out his/her legs. 

Also, speaking of baby kicks, on the evening of November 6th I was laying in bed tossing and turning to the sound of my super tired hubby snoring. He only snores when he is getting sick but after 4 attempts to get him to stop I thought up a new approach. Maybe, if I just lay really still and take deep breaths and focus on relaxing, I will just fall asleep, in spite of the snoring.
Well as I was trying this, I felt the baby move for the first time!!! It felt like a very gentle little tickle or stroke inside, on the bottom left side of my belly, just above my ovary. I can only think to compare it to a gentle finger tickle on the inside of the palm of your hand. My eyes popped open and I just thought "oh my gosh! I think I just felt the baby!!" I put my hands on my tummy a little tighter and just waited, after a few seconds I felt it again. EEEEK! It was just the greatest!! I shook Jeff awake to tell him the exciting news!!!

Since that day I have felt a few "flutters" here and there every few weeks. Today I was actually woken up to the feeling of little baby kicks and I have felt them several times during the day at work. I can't wait until the kicks are strong enough that Jeff can feel them simply by placing his hand on my tummy!


  1. best feeling ever. your baby posts are giving me baby fever :)

  2. baby kicks are the best. they do get stronger. and it is fun when the hubby can see / feel the kick! but for now its all yours ... cherish those little love kicks.

    straton still kicks me (softly) and then smiles when we are laying on the couch and wants to get my attention....
