Wednesday, March 21, 2012

32 weeks! (where has the time gone?)

This week is brought to you by naps, girl scout cookies, and Mexican food

Weeks Pregnant: 32 weeks 6 days (50 days until our due date!!!)
Weight: 181 Yikes!
Total Weight Gain:(started at 158) Up 23 pounds! Yikes!!! Let me just tell you that this is the heaviest I have ever been, EVER! I know it's because there is a beautiful baby growing inside of me and I need this extra weight for him, but yikes! The closer I get to the 200 pound mark, the harder it is to get on that scale!
Average number of times up to pee per night: Well this has become more of an annoyance than anything... I am up on average 2-3 times per night. The pressure in my tummy becomes overwhelming and almost painful, that the short walk to the restroom is very difficult in the middle of the night. During the day it seems like I am running to the restroom every hour or so.
Size of the baby bean:  16-19 inches (the size of a honeydew)
Weight: 3-5 pounds

What baby has been up to: Based on our last appointment we know that little Jude is already in the head down position, gearing up for his departure into the world. It's really cute knowing his head is down because there is this little bulge on my left side that I now know is his little bottom! It's also been really fun feeling him squirm and kick in there the past few weeks with his little feet wedged on the right side of my belly. Sometimes it feels like he is pedaling in there or trying to climb up my side. Other times I am certain he is break dancing in there. His favorite thing to do is to wedge his little feet right up under my ribs and push out! Holy Cow, does that hurt! I keep reminding him not to rearrange the furniture in there, but he doesn't seem to care what mommy says, he does it anyways. At least he's happy in there. I did read in my What to Expect that Jude's brain is continuing to develop and he now has all 5 of his senses, although he won't be able to smell anything until he's out in the open air. I also read that he makes faces, hiccups, practices swallowing, breathing, sucks his thumb, grabs his umbilical cord and he even cries!!! What does he have to cry about in there? That made me sad to read. Jude is accumulating more fat and his skin is becoming more pinkish in color and the lanugo covering his little body is starting to disappear.

Other pregnancy related stuff  

Emotional: If one more person says "oh my gosh, look how big you are" or "Wow, you've gotten so big!" I just might have to start slapping people. I think it should be internationally known that the appropriate response to seeing a pregnant person getting bigger would be "wow, look how pregnant you look" or "Oh my, your baby belly is getting so cute." or even "Wow, looks like your little baby has grown". Please, don't call me big. Not cool. I am loving being pregnant and aside from the comments, I have this new sense of confidence. I don't know what it is about being pregnant, perhaps it's the fact that my belly is so firm, but I have ever felt so confident in my clothes before. I am starting to get more weepy as the weeks pass on, anytime I think about Baby Jude I tear up a little bit. I just can't wait to see him and hold him already! I was thinking about his upcoming delivery and all the visitors we are going to have in the hospital and I got a little emotional, picturing my husband holding him, or my parents holding him overcomes me with this sense of joy and pride. I just can't wait!!! 
Physical: I now understand what everyone has been saying about the 3rd trimester being just like the 1st trimester. I have been much more tired lately and find that I am I looking forward to my after work naps each day. My heartburn is at its worst, waking me up in the middle of the night with the burning in my throat. I find that I become short of breath very easily, doing simple tasks like toweling off after a shower or putting the dishes away. It's getting harder to bend over, it's almost impossible. I have had to ask Jeff to put on my shoes if they require socks, buckles, or straps. Anything besides slip on shoes require a helper. Sometimes I work I will drop something and just stare at it for a second thinking up the best way to bend down and pick it up, my students have caught on and find it quite entertaining. A few of them offer to pick up things for me. As the weeks progress I am continuing to leak breast milk and lately I have been leaking colostrum. This little baby is sure going to be well fed once he arrives, there doesn't appear to be any shortage of milk around here. This past week I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks, mostly at night depending on my sleeping position, I am woken up by the sharp pain and tightening of my tummy. Sometimes it feels like my stomach is making a tight fist, other times it feels like the all to familiar feeling of starting my period. You know, those pre-period cramps where you wake up in the morning certain you've just started your period, yup I've been getting those just about every morning and through out the day. 
What I want to devour: Mmmm.... Mexican food. I have been craving Los Compadres salsa, rice, & beans like its going out of style. I have this desire to put salsa on everything or eat meals that require salsa. YUMMY! 
What makes me gag: These days, nothing. 
Activity: I have been having a harder time staying active this past week, anytime I do any kind of small activity such as cleaning or my daily work duties, I become short of breath and start to get cramps. Yesterday I was overcome with this desire to get Jude's room in order (especially since Jeff painted it earlier this week) and after hanging up his new clothes from the Baby Shower and organizing the closet shelves I started getting bad cramps and had to sit down. 
Boy? or Girl?: BOY!! A little sweet boy!
Name: Jude Michael Gilbert. We picked Jude because "Hey Jude" is both my and Jeff's favorite song and the meaning of the name is "to give praises". Michael is Jeff's dad's name and we decided to name our first born son after him. Michael means "one who is like God" and in my opinion if Jude is anything like his grandpa, he is sure to live up to that meaning.

 Friday morning, documenting my 32 week bump

 I stole this photo from Danielle's blog Sometimes Sweet, this was taken on Saturday at Scarlet's first birthday. (right after my baby shower) Scarlet's mommy Natalie is one of my new mommy friends, thanks to Instagram.

Dinner out on Sunday evening celebrating Libbie's birthday. Libbie is of my new mommy friends. Her little guy Arkham is 10 weeks old and Jude's future best friend. 

I was helping Jeff with the trim in the nursery (don't worry, I was wearing a mask the entire time) and Reached above my head to paint a high area and accidentally pressed my belly against the wet paint. Proof that my tummy sticks out further than I realize. 

 My view while sweeping the nursery. I had to lean pretty far forward to get a view of my toes.

 Taken yesterday while at work, my baby bump has become my most talked about accessory. All of my students are fascinated with it and keep asking me when he's due. 
They all say "Mrs. Gilbert You're ready to pop"
One of my students even told my I have the pregnancy "waddle"

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