Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weeks 17-24 in photos

Since I missed blogging for several weeks I thought I would update you with pictures from weeks 17 through 24. 

17 weeks 

Shopping date with my momma.

18 weeks 
This picture was taken right before we went to our ultrasound to find out the gender of little baby Gilbert. We were both pleased to find out we are expecting a little baby boy.

19 weeks

Bear insisted on being in the picture with his baby brother. He loves him already. 

Close up of the growing baby bump. Little Jude is getting bigger and bigger. 

Surprised by my growing bump while at work. 

Dad "Pop" and I at my step mom Jean's RN Graduation. (Oh and Jeff in the background)

Dad "Pop", Me, The RN Grad "Grammie Jean", and "Auntie" Jewels.

20 weeks

Date night with my handsome hubby and my baby bump. 

Being playful with my sister and my cousin. "There's a bun in the oven."

20 weeks update picture.

A bare belly picture at 20 weeks. Baby Jude is getting bigger and bigger by the week.

Watching my bump move while crocheting Christmas scarfs for family. 

21 weeks
We celebrated 21 weeks by moving into a new house. We moved and then packed and flew to Missouri the next day. 

Waiting at the airport on our way to Missouri to visit the Gilbert and Frieze family. Baby Jude was kicking up a storm. This was about the time his kicks started to get really prominent. Jeff was able to feel him kick for the first time and just about every day since then. 

21 weeks standing in front of our Grandparent's beautiful church doors in Missouri. 

Us with our Missouri Cousins. Courtney, Me, Jeff, and Jordan.

With our sweet Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert in Missouri.

22 weeks

Standing in front of Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert's fireplace on our last night in Missouri. 

Belly close up.

The first time my mom felt Jude kick she squealed "Woo!" It was so funny! 

First day back to work and my belly was the center of attention. Everyone was surprised to see how much Jude grew over Christmas break. 

Even I was surprised by the growth. Seeing my profile and belly from the side was starting to really shock me. Jude was getting bigger and bigger by the day and I couldn't believe the changes to my body in just a few short weeks. 

Attempting to take Christmas cards at the Biltmore with my brother and sister.

Sibling sandwich.

Our first Christmas card as a family. (We ended up being WAY too busy to send out any cards...) But surprisingly, Bear was not at all bothered by his reindeer antlers. 

Mom hopped in a picture.

All the girls on New Year's Eve. My Aunt Maura, Cousin Anu, Me, and Mom. 

My cousin Tony and his beautiful wife Anu were in town for the holidays. 

My "little" brother Matthew has outgrown me. 

"Uncle" Matty was talking to baby Jude and listening to see if he could hear anything in return.

My midnight kiss.

Celebrating New Year's Eve with my best friend from Flagstaff, Leah.

23 weeks

Look at that belly!! My belly button is getting smaller and smaller with each passing week. I'm pretty sure it's just going to seal up. 

Side view of the growing belly. It's looking more round and pronounced. Less like taco belly chub and more like a preggo belly. 

Lunch with Julianne, her boyfriend Kenny, Mom and Jeff. 

Kenny's car was way too tall for lil pregnant me to climb into so Jewels had to help lift me into the car. It was hysterical. 
We celebrated Christmas with my Dad & Jean at their house on the 1st. 

Enjoying baby kicks while family opens presents.

My sweet friend from Regis, Caitlin "Heals" came in town to visit. Jude loved meeting her and gave her a few good kicks while she was visiting. 

24 weeks

All dolled up with Heals. 

Mom, Heals, and I before a yummy Italian dinner. 

Tight squeeze. 

It was so fun to wear my vest out, even though I had to leave a few buttons unbuttoned. 

Love for my momma. "Gramma Mimi"

My handsome husband and I. It was so fun to get all dressed up and go out to dinner. 

I love this guy, a lot.

After dinner we met Julianne out for a little country dancing. Jude was loving all the music and was dancing in my tummy. 

I sure hope Jude gets Daddy's handsome blue eyes.

Post date night at Oregano's. Jeff is going to be sick of Italian food after this pregnancy, we have it at least twice a week. 

Growing baby bump. 

A little fun comparison. 

My baby bump is my new favorite accessory. I love picking outfits that show off my growing bump. 


  1. you are the most beautiful pregnant woman ever! gorgeous!

  2. Your bump is a cute accessory. I like the pic you took for your Christmas card. Good one to frame.
